Welcome to my world

Hi, It's S M Masum Billah
a Graphic Designer

Master in Branding, Marketing, Graphic & Web Design, and SEO. My designs blend creativity and functionality, lifting brand identities. With SEO expertise, my crafts standout digital solutions, setting new standards in design and marketing.

S M Masum Billah Headshot

What I Do


Graphic Design & Motion

Art meets communication. Shapes, colors, and text come together to convey messages visually, shaping how we see and understand the world.


Web Design

Where creativity meets functionality. It's the digital architecture shaping how we experience the internet.


Digital Marketing & SEO

Driving online success. They're the strategies fueling visibility and growth in the digital realm.

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My Portfolio

3+ Years of Experience

My Resume

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My Blog

1 min read

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Contact With Me

S M Masum Billah

Managing Director at Fixelsgraphix

Let's collaborate! Contact me for innovative solutions that elevate your brand and boost your online presence.

Phone: +880 1633 967742 Email: hi@smmasumbillah.info